
How to get apprved on cj affiliate network
How to get apprved on cj affiliate network

  1. #How to get apprved on cj affiliate network full#
  2. #How to get apprved on cj affiliate network code#
  3. #How to get apprved on cj affiliate network professional#

#How to get apprved on cj affiliate network professional#

Use CJ by Conversant today to start that journey in being a professional affiliate marketing guru based on the products you sell.

how to get apprved on cj affiliate network

In addition, as a blogger, it makes you an enthusiast of the products as you have to inform your readers more about the product you need to sell therefore, also making you a sincere salesperson. It provides a platform that is above the rest for you to learn more about marketing. In conclusion, it is clear from the article that Commission Junction helps you create revenue that is much needed for any online worker.

#How to get apprved on cj affiliate network full#

Choose a niche product and go full throttle promoting the product as you increase your commissions.Ĭheck out video review on Commission Junction Therefore, Commission Junction makes you not just a guru in the marketplace but a great blogger. This makes you a type of specialist on the product and you will find a reader of your blog asking you to hint more information on a product they want to buy. You are not just marketing the products and getting your commissions, you are actually providing information to the readers on your blog. This improves your readership and will be a great way to ensure the affiliate product that you select from CJ will be promoted and you get your commission.Įssentially, using a blog is the best way to promote the products you choose on Commission junction as an affiliate marketing enthusiasts.

how to get apprved on cj affiliate network

Under Visibility, ensure you mark “stick this post to the front page”. You do this by going to “edit post” in your blog and selecting “visibility”.

#How to get apprved on cj affiliate network code#

If it is a coupon code post or a review post, you can always set as your home page to allow for more views on the said post. That way, you earn your income through Commission junction and also improve how well your blog is ranked by search engines. These “How to” articles are a great way to improve your performance on search engine rankings. If you have a technical product that needs instructions for use, write up a tutorial guide on the product. How-to articlesĭIY articles are a good way to promote an affiliate product. Make recommendations for the affiliate link in your blog articles as this helps improve promoting the products. Companies typically pay in the neighborhood of 5k just to get involved with a minimum yearly investment of around 20k. All you need to do is, drag and drop the deep-link bookmarklet from this page to your bookmark browser, and on any of your associated CJ advertiser website ( Any page), you can click on bookmarklet to generate the direct link to the specific page.Another way to market CJ affiliate products is to use CJ affiliate links in your blog post. Commission Junction is the premier affiliate network program in the industry and they are by far the most expensive for advertisers. In this feature you can create a deep link affiliate link f0r any of CJ advertises you are associated with. Click on the edit pencil and fill in the description to tell us who you. Just click on the Accounttab in the Navigation Bar at the top of your screen and choose Network Profile. This is how advertisers will review your account to get you approved for their programs.

how to get apprved on cj affiliate network

Advertiser must have deep link integration and appropriate domains in CJAM in order to participate in Deep Link Automation.Ĭonsidering above two points, I find the automation feature as useless. get payouts from CJ Affiliate NETWORK PROFILE / Go to Account.

how to get apprved on cj affiliate network

  • You need to have an active relation with CJ advertisers ( If you don’t have an active relation, this feature is useless for you).
  • Reason being, that there are few terms which needs to be satisfied before this automation will deep link your existing link into affiliate link. This feature is indeed a great addition by the CJ team, but I don’t find it as effective as Viglink or Skimlinks.

    How to get apprved on cj affiliate network